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Visioneer Update for Mac

Visioneer Update for Mac


To update to the latest drivers and bundled software for Mac

Note: Visioneer update for Mac will automatically detect your scanner and check for the latest drivers and bundled software. You may choose to use Update or you may download only the driver and software you need from the links below. Be advised that many of the bundled software packages can only be downloaded through Visioneer Update or the installation DVD.

Step 1: Hold “Ctrl” on your keyboard and click the following to initiate the download for the Visioneer Update for Mac.

Step 2: Open the update file from your downloads folder.

Step 3: Click on the Disc icon labelled “Visioneer Update.

Step 4: Ensure that the scanner is powered on and connected to the PC.

Step 5: Select the scanner you want to update and click Proceed.

Step 6: Choose what driver and software you want to download or update.

Supported Operating Systems: Mac OS

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