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Scan in 1200 DPI

Scan in 1200 DPI


To scan in 1200 DPI

Note: You must have Visioneer Acuity installed, scanners that support Acuity will support interpolation to 1200DPI.

Scanning with 1200 DPI requires the user to scan using the TWAIN driver in OneTouch or in another program that supports the TWAIN driver.


Step 1: Open OneTouch on the bottom right of your taskbar.

Step 2: If prompted, select the scanner that is connected to your PC.

Step 3: Right click on the Scan icon. (Or Paper In icon for mobile scanners)

Step 4: Select “Configure Before Scan” under “Select Configuration” (This causes OneTouch to open the TWAIN driver before scanning).

Step 5: Start a scan.

Step 6: In the window that pops up (TWAIN driver), change the Resolution to 1200 DPI.

Step 7: Be sure to also change any other configurations that you want for that scan job before scanning or saving the configuration.

Another TWAIN driver Program:

Step 1: Use program to open TWAIN driver interface.

Step 2: Change the Resolution to 1200 DPI.

Supported Operating Systems: Windows 10 / 8 / 7

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