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ADF Scanning Extremely Wide or Long Documents

ADF Scanning Extremely Wide or Long Documents


To scan unusually large documents


Ensure that your scanner has the capability to handle the size document you are trying to scan.

The size of your scans can be changed in the page settings tab in the configuration properties for OneTouch, however, it will usually be capped at 8.5″ width and 38″ length (Varies depending on scanner).

To scan documents that break this cap, you will have to scan using the TWAIN driver.

How to access TWAIN driver using OneTouch:

Step 1: Open OneTouch on the bottom right of your taskbar.

Step 2: If prompted, select the scanner that is connected to your PC.

Step 3: Right click on the Scan icon. (Or, for mobile scanners, the Paper In icon)

Step 4: Select “Configure Before Scan” under “Select Configuration.” (This causes OneTouch to open the TWAIN driver before scanning).

Step 5: Start a scan. This should open the TWAIN driver configuration window.

How to change scan dimensions in TWAIN:

Step 1: In the TWAIN driver configuration window, check the box next to “Long Document.

Step 2: Set the Document Size to User-Defined

Step 3: Change the dimensions of your scan using the boxes below. Be sure to stay within the document size capability of your scanner model.

Supported Operating Systems: Windows 10 / 8 / 7

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