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Custom File Naming in OneTouch

Custom File Naming in OneTouch


To customize the names of scanned files

Step 1: Open OneTouch on the bottom right of your taskbar.

Step 2: If prompted, select the scanner that is connected to your PC.

Step 3: Right click on the Scan icon. (Or Paper In for mobile scanners)

Step 4: Click the “Options” tab on the top of the properties window.

Step 5: Click on “Configure” next to Custom File Naming.

Step 6: “File Name Format” gives you two options:

  • You can use “Build file name using tokens” and use the premade templates provided. Examples of the outcome under “Sample Output.”
  • You can use “Prompt for file name,” where you can set it to prompt you to name the file yourself after every scan job or set it to be titled by an incrementing number.

Step 7: Be sure to hit Apply and OK on every window until you are completely out of the properties pages. Your Custom File Naming configurations should now be saved and ready to scan.

Supported Operating Systems: Windows 10 / 8 / 7

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